Diversity Training

Our Differences Are Valuable

Valuing and Managing Diversity Training are custom-designed to meet the needs of the participants and the organizations, based on consultation and discussion with the client, background organizational material, and a written pre-training assessment for each participant. The client and the trainer will determine the focus of the training, which could be on:

A. Increasing knowledge, awareness and sensitivity to the issues of work force and community diversity (like the one in the example, usually for people that have not received prior formal training on cultural diversity)

B. Increasing knowledge and skills on cross-cultural communication and interpersonal behavior. This training is designed to involve participants in social interactions leading to a greater valuing of diversity and to more appropriate behaviors in the work force and with clients. It is recommended for people that have received some training in cultural diversity since self-disclosure and interpersonal feedback are important activities in this training.

C. Managing effectively a diverse work force, which focuses on improving managers' cross-cultural skills in all areas of management such as recruitment, retention, performance appraisal, effective communication, of managers, conflict resolution, etc. It is designed for people who have basic knowledge and awareness of cultural issues.


Training Model:
Valuing Diversity through increasing knowledge, awareness, and sensitivity


  • To inform participants of important demographic trends in the U.S.A.
  • To describe business motives and reasons for addressing the issues diversity presents
  • To expose participants to key concepts of valuing diversity
  • To provide opportunities for participants to learn about their interpersonal style in a multicultural context
  • To explore myths, stereotypes, and cultural differences
  • To sensitize participants to the kinds of cross-cultural miscommunications that may occur in a diverse work force
  • To increase understanding and skills in cross-cultural communication
  • To offer practical techniques for removing cultural barriers

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